Monday 24 January 2011

War Photos

Today, I played with army men.

the Time mag is part of the assesment criteria. I think it also adds a bit more depth to the project.
Oh the horrors of war.
My Dad was in the army, has been to most of the recent conflicts, and so I suppose it had some bearing on my life. Means my view on war isnt exactly like the films show. Apparently the war on afghan was mostly waiting around for their squad. But i guess he wouldnt talk about things that had upset him, or things that he would fear would upset me.
andyway heres the results, enjoy.

Monday 17 January 2011


some initial edits and photos for the "aftermath" project
going to play around some more before i send off for final prints
we had to create a still life that may have come from a war scene, or post apocalyptic scene and so on
i guess mostly due to poor planning, i chose to do food, and chose food stuffs that would be the kind of thing that people store in case they survive an apocalypse. also, i wanted brand names to be seen on the pictures, such as heinz and coca cola, kind of as a remider of the empires that once were.
its all very dusty. theyve been there a while, and after the initial blast, were damaged.

theyre all pretty similar at the minute, so thats why im going to play some more, now that i have lovely new photoshop (:

Thursday 13 January 2011

Sculpture day/Moleskine extracts.

My silly sleepless head is making me forget things im doing halfway through doing them. 
Pottered about the Ashmolean today, drawing stuff.
looking forward to working with clay from a life model next week, never done that before (:
didnt produce a lot, just moleskine work.
after lunch was Thomas Houseago again, and ive been there twice now, and wrote a big long essay on him before. Feeling sick still, my cough gets worse at night so i havent been sleeping well so went home, cleaned the house and fell asleep. (Y)
Ganna be filling a glass with gelatine and water, and little rinestones and see what comes out. (: also making a doll for EPD projects. doing it right this term.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Walnut drawing day

a day of drawing walnuts.
heres my little sketches.
I think I ate more walnuts than I drew (:

tomorrow is sculputre.. :/ hanging out at an exhibition ive already been to, yay.
half way through a big big walnut drawing.
my life is awesome.

* UPDATE* jess just told me they all look like vaginas ): and i have to agree.

Monday 10 January 2011

Empire State/ Lost in Translation

We began our new and exciting pathways today. Mondays from now on is FA photography. Theme was "Lost in Translation" which started a bit of a dicussion about films.
our tutor wants us to watch "the Road" in preperation for next week. I've seen it before, and I swear we were just waiting for the annoying kid to die. It had some good bits but my god, how that kid survived the apocolypse is beyond me. But yeah, the cinematography was good (is that a word?) and thats what were focusing on for our post apocalyptic still life projects next week.
Anyway we played around with some text, translating it, seeing if meanings get confused and mixed up. I used peoples facebook statuses for mine.. But others were being a bit deeper, such as biblical quotes or looking at issues of immigration. My point for using the statuses is how jumbled and meaningless these constant updates are (she says as she updates her status "hey guys! new blog!") and i put it against an image of the empire state building. The building was meant to be a reference to the Biblical story about the Babel tower if you know it. If not, it sort of doubles as this symbolic american icon, and says about nationality and equality in "the great melting pot" that is america.
It was weird doing a one day project again, the panic really sets in when its half way through the day and youve done nothing.
Heres the results, Im more proud of some than others.
this is the very first one i did, probably the best of the lot.
you cant tell, but here ive played with the acetone so the letters come in and out of focus.

and the last one, its just all jumbly.
enjoy. next post will be about walnuts.

Friday 7 January 2011

ideas ideas

for the first time in many weeks i find myself not busy, or snowed under a mountain of work or procastinating, and its an odd feeling.
maybe ill do an EPD, that might be nice.
i dont like doing nothing :/ spent all of today doing housework. clean house, but now im out of ideas, and have nothing else on tomorrow.
got a few artsy ideas, might make a start in a bit. i wanna use some fimo, love fimo.
review went pretty well (: yay.
daily blog entries arent much fun when i have nothing to say.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

here we go. one finished heart piece.

says on the tin.
not sure i like it, am doing another one any way. at this point i cant be too picky.

a lot of people think im a vegetarian; im not, its just i often prefer the veggie options on menus. and, i disagree with Halal meat (for reasons that really ought to be kept out of an art blog) so stick to veggie options in the college canteen and that.
Im just a bit picky i guess, i wont eat fatty meats, as it puts me off my whole meal. which is a shame, i like duck really but if its a whole roasted one, i just cant touch it till theres no gross slimy bits on it.
also, i cant stand lamb.
so anyway in the name of Art, ive spent a lot of today playing around with a lamb heart. (: not so bad, just dont expect me to eat it yeah?
heres some initial pictures, will post a final poster/advert in a bit.

Monday 3 January 2011

second skin.

horray one poster finished. if i can print this off all shiny and that, maybe i wont be hurt too badly tomorrow.
idk how ill print it off thu
found some photo paper, A4 should be ok for now.
its really the best i could hope for.
anyway here it is.

Sunday 2 January 2011

oh, so i suck.

Massively so.
I said id post every day and evidently I didnt, as Ross pointed out on New Years.
Hope every one had a good one any way (:
Kind of went to Plymouth for a bit, then christmas craziness and illness (and laziness) has had me not doing a lot of work.
Currently freaking out about my time project, and bout my art review. Chosen to do it on Thomas Houseago, as hes currently exhibiting at MAO. Oh. i ought to be writing it now :/
Well back to doing  that. By wednesday, i would have finished my time project so look forward to that (: itll have to come as a big lump, as this is how im doing it.
also looking into making plaster casts, was hoping to do one of my mum's ever expanding stomach. (pregnant not fat)
Ill be quiet now cus ive got a LOT of work to do.